Why did ETHOSA decide to sponsor beehives at “Un Toit pour les Abeilles”?

ETHOSA is above all an innovative concept of a shower product that brings together all that is necessary to be a sustainable product, as well as its packaging, its content. At ETHOSA we always strive to minimise as much as possible the impact of our products and packaging on the planet.    

In this concern for respect and protection of nature, it went without saying that ETHOSA wanted to participate more in the active safeguarding our planet. Sponsoring a hive at “Un Toit pour les Abeilles” means acting, acting against an ecological disaster that has unfortunately already begun, the inevitable disappearance of our main pollinating insects, bees.  

Un Toit pour les Abeilles offers individuals and companies the opportunity to sponsor beehives which helps to develop the activity of beekeepers and protect the biodiversity of our planet. This sponsorship system notably makes it possible to install new colonies of bees in areas that have been greatly affected by their disappearance.

For most of us, bees are supposed to produce honey and incidentally pollinate flowers if we know what that means. They are present in our daily environment and their existence is essential to ours. Did you know that they are the most studied "animals" in the world right after mankind?

200,000 years ago, when Homo Sapiens appeared, bees had already been there for more than 50 million years. Since that time, life on Earth has gone through countless changes while bees have gone through 30 million years practically unchanged. They are simply fascinating.

Let’s start by explaining how the phenonemon of pollinisation works. The bees that forage flowers carry the pollen in their legs to deposit it on the pistils of other flowers. The pistil is the female element, the pollen is contained in the stamen, the male element. This pollination or fertilization is done involuntarily by the bee which has come to look for the nectar deep in the corolla of the flower, it then touches the stamen which carries the pollen, passing into another flower always to draw from it. The nectar, the pollen will settle on the pistil. The flower thus fertilized will give, for example, a fruit which will contain the seeds which will perpetuate the species.

Let it be said, bees talk to each other ; the perfect coordination of their actions indicates that they communicate. This exchange takes place through dances, sound waves, chemical secretions, pheromones circulating through the mouth and antennae. The bee is organized, diligent and efficient. They all have a mission and there is an unspeakable order in the hive.

Bees also offer us a whole range of products, real elixirs, honey, propolis, pollen, wax, royal jelly… They offer us many wonders whose benefits known for millennia are today used as food but also in cosmetics and healthcare.

However, despite all the fascination they inspire, bees are disappearing. The beekeeper, whether professional or amateur, is the first to notice this dysfunction in his apiary. Since the 2000s, 30% of bees have disappeared every year, some regions of EUROPE have suffered a loss of 70 to 80%. It is the quietest and largest natural disaster. You would think that at this rate, all the bees should have already disappeared. This is true, but thanks to the hard work of beekeepers who are fighting against this phenomenon, they have not yet completely disappeared.

However, we can’t ignore the figures anymore that speak for themselves and we need to be aware of the upcoming extinction of bees. To avoid any further destruction, we all need to take action. It is essential ; bees promise us the survival of many living species and it is our duty to protect them.

Author: ETHOSA.